C.T.T.C Cisco Academy & Support Center



CCNA Routing & Switching

ccna r&s

Course Description

CCNA Routing and Switching teaches comprehensive networking concepts, from network applications to the protocols and services provided to those applications by the lower layers of the network. Students will progress from basic networking to more complex enterprise and theoretical networking models later in the curriculum.


Introduction to Networks

  • Exploring the network, Configuring a network operating system
  • Application Layer, Transport layer
  • Network Protocols and Communications
  • Network Layer
  • IP Addressing , Subnetting IP Networks
  • Network Access
  • Ethernet

Routing & Switching Essentials

  • Routing Concepts
  • Static Routing, Dynamic Routing
  • Switched Networks
  • Switch Configuration
  • Access Control Lists
  • DHCP
  • NAT

Scaling Networks

  • LAN Design
  • Scaling VLANs
  • Spanning Tree Protocols
  • Etherchannel and HSRP
  • Dynamic Routing
  • Single-Area OSPF
  • Multiarea OSPF

Connecting Networks

  • WAN Concepts
  • Point-to-Point Connections
  • Branch Connections
  • Access Control Lists
  • Network Security and Monitoring
  • Quality of Service
  • Network Evolution, Network Troubleshooting

Cisco Term & Condition can be applied.

Eligibility criteria as define by Cisco.



The Cisco Networking Academy® CCNA Routing and Switching curriculum is designed for students who are seeking entry-level ICT jobs or plan to pursue more specialized ICT skills.

CCNA Routing and Switching provides comprehensive coverage of networking topics, from fundamentals to advanced applications and services, with opportunities for hands-on practical experience and career skills development.

Cisco Certifications

Students will be prepared to take the Cisco CCENT® certification exam after completing a set of two courses and the CCNA® Routing and Switching certification exam after completing a set of four courses.

Features and Benefits

The CCNA Routing and Switching curriculum offers the following features and benefits:

Students learn the basics of routing, switching, and advanced technologies to prepare for the CCENT and CCNA certification exams, networking related degree programs, and entry-level careers.

The language used to describe networking concepts is designed to be easily understood by
learners at all levels and embedded interactive activities help reinforce comprehension.

Courses emphasize critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and the practical application of skills.

Multimedia learning tools, including videos, games, and quizzes, address a variety of learning styles and promote increased knowledge retention.

Hands-on labs and Cisco® Packet Tracer simulation-based learning activities help students develop critical thinking and complex problem solving skills.

Embedded assessments provide immediate feedback to support the evaluation of knowledge and acquired skills.

There are four courses in the recommended sequence:

Introduction to Networks

Routing and Switching Essentials

Scaling Networks

Connecting Networks

In each course, Networking Academy™ students will learn technology concepts with the support of interactive media and apply and practice this knowledge through a series of hands-on and simulated activities that reinforce their learning.

  1. Rehman Akhtar Siddiqui says:

    I took admission in CTTC few days before in “CCNA” and hopped that I should be enhance my knowledge in NET WORKING.

    Thanks and Regards.
    Rehman Akhtar

  2. Admin says:

    Please check out our Calendar regarding classes as below:

  3. muhammad munir ahmed says:

    when schedule of April will be updated?

  4. HAMZA says:

    AOA is there CCNA routing and switching classes start in april month ?

  5. all students says:

    We all want to restart batch from begginnig, as we got failed in 1st exams even we could not able to resolve any single assignment without internet support.

  6. Sohail Farooq says:

    CCNA Routing & Switching…. Course New schedule & Fee ..

  7. Jahangeer khan says:

    Please tell me about admission date .i want to get admission in CCNA.

  8. Ayaz Ahmed says:

    please let me know, if Ramadan deals lunched.

  9. monim says:

    i wan to get admission in ccna
    so when classes will start?

  10. Muhammad Ali says:

    what is the course Fee for CCNA & CCNA ( Security )

  11. faiza says:

    what is the fees of CCNA courses

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